Autism Connections Fredericton
Very happy to report that we presented cheques to Autism Connections Fredericton tonight amounting to $8900 by the time the evening was over and all cheques counted. This number hopes to inflate to at least $9500 in the next day. If you’d like to contribute, you don’t even have to be a member. You can drop off a cheque for $100, made out to “Autism Connections Fredericton” to Vagrant Creative, 401 Bishop Drive, Suite 101B in the next day or two and your contribution will help us reach $10,000.
Thanks to our other presenters, Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick and The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, New Brunswick Chapter.
A special thanks to our host venue, Kingswood Lodge.
Thanks to the 100 Men team; Dan Koncz, Dan Hatfield, Kevin Beattie, Ronnie Burgess and Jeff Wright for all the great work you do.
Thanks, 105.3 The FOX, Vagrant Web & Creative, Covey Basics and Macmillan Lawrence Lawrence.
Our next meeting is August 4th at Vault 29. Not a member yet? Join us at